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    Step 2 // Essential Cloud POS Settings

    "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail..."

    It's extremely worthwhile to spend time setting up your Cloud POS retail system so that it best suits your business needs.  

    Laying the groundwork now will ensure that you start off on the right footing to get the most from the platform.

    When Citrus-Lime created your Cloud POS retail system, we tailored it so that many of the default settings are relevant to your industry.

    However, there's no one-size-fits-all solution, and you'll have your own ideas for how to set things up so that they work best for your business.

    In this section of our Getting Started guide, we look at the essential settings you'll need to have in place in preparation for trading on Cloud POS.

    Cashiers & Users

    How to provide users with access to different areas of the retail system:

    Tender Types

    Selecting the tender options that appear when you complete a transaction in the Point Of Sale:

    Tax Rates

    Setting up tax rates to suit the region in which you do business:

    Reason Codes

    Some actions in Cloud POS, such as discounting a transaction in the Point Of Sale, require a Reason Code to be used to explain why that action has been taken.  Learn how to set up Reason Codes here:

    Manage Customer Accounts

    * Optional setting * 

    If you plan to offer your customers credit accounts, you'll need to set up Customer Account Types:

    Sales Rep. Setup

    * Optional setting *

    Allow more detailed tracking of who was responsible for making sales.  Required if you intend to use Commission:

    Manage Mechanics

    * Optional setting *

    If you'll be using the Citrus-Lime Workshop Module, you will need to add mechanics so that you can assign work accurately:

    Communication Templates

    * Optional setting *

    Simplify sending messages to your customers by creating standardised communication templates:

    Task Pad

    * Optional setting *

    Best suited to a cafe-type environment, the Task Pad offers a menu-style Point Of Sale interface:

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