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    How do I add or edit Departments and Categories?

    A guide on setting up new departments and categories

    Departments and Categories are used to group items within your retail system to allow you to report on specific item types together. 

    For example, you may want to report on or find all of the items in the Department of Clothing or more specifically in the Category of Jackets.

    Departments and Categories are created and managed within the backoffice menu of Citrus-Lime POS.

    Create a new Department 

    1)  From Cloud POS backoffice, select the Create & Manage Items menu, then Departments & Categories:

    2)  Select New on the department grid (left): 

    3)  Populate the Name field for the department you want to create. Remember this is for your reference only.

    4)  Click Update to save your department.

    Create a new Category

    1)  From Cloud POS backoffice, select the Create & Manage Items menu, then Departments & Categories:

    2)  Click on the department into which you wish to add a category.  This will change the category grid to show all of the current categories in the selected department.

    3)  Click New on the Categories section, and enter the name of the new category you wish to create.

    4)  Click Update to save your category.

    Editing a Department / Category

    1)  From Cloud POS backoffice, select the Create & Manage Items menu, then Departments & Categories:

    2)  Click Edit on the Department or Category you wish to change;

    3)  Click Update to save your changes.

    Note:  All changes will update any items in the department / category automatically.

    Deleting a Department / Category

    1)  From Cloud POS backoffice, select the Create & Manage Items menu, then Departments & Categories:

    2)  Click Delete on the Department or Category you wish to remove;

    Note:  You cannot delete a department or category that contains items.  You would first need to move any items into a new department or category, which you can do using the Modify Item Detail Wizard.

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