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    Customer Rewards // How do I block Customer Rewards based on the tender type used?

    Customer Rewards can be blocked for a transaction when a specific tender type is used.  This setting is changed within the Tender Types setting in Cloud POS backoffice.  

    1)  From the main menu in Cloud POS backoffice, select Setup and then Tender Types:

    2)  Use the grid filters to find the required tender type, and click Edit:

    3)  Tick the Block Customer Rewards tick box to stop rewards points being earned on transactions where this tender type is used:

    4)  Click Update to save the changes.

    NOTE:  If the customer pays by partial tender (i.e., they pay part cash and part credit card, for example) and any of the tender types used is set to Block Customer Rewards, no points will be earned on the transaction.

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