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    Workshop Module // Picking up a Workshop Job

    When a customer arrives to collect a completed Workshop Job, you have a couple of options to open their order in the Point Of Sale, ready to complete the transaction.

    If you are logged into the Workshop Module

    If you're logged into the Workshop Module, you can use the Recall Order In POS button:

    When you select this option, you'll see a prompt which asks you to confirm you would like to proceed:

    Clicking OK will then open POS and you'll be asked to select the register you wish to use to tender the transaction:

    Once you've selected a register, skip to the section of this article titled 'Completing the transaction' for instructions on how to proceed from this point.

    If you are already logged into POS

    In the Point Of Sale, the most efficient way is to use the Set Customer function to locate and add the customer onto the transaction.

    With the customer added, click on the Recall Orders button on the bottom menu:

    As we have already selected the customer, this will only show orders specific to that customer:

    We can now recall the relevant order.  This will add the job onto the POS screen.  At this point, you can add any more items if the customer wants to make further purchases.

    Completing the transaction

    To complete the transaction, click the Select All For Pick-up checkbox.  You'll see that when you do this, the Save Order button will change to Tender:

    Click the Tender button and this will progress you through to the Tender Transaction screen.

    As a safety mechanism, to prevent workshop jobs from being completed in POS before they have been completed in Workshop Module, you will see this warning when trying to tender an incomplete workshop job through POS:

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