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    How can I remove cost prices from my items?

    Using wizards to remove cost prices from items in bulk

    Items imported from SIM will automatically have a cost price as part of their item record.

    This appears in two places - in the Inventory table, and the Supplier table, both shown here:

    If you want to remove these cost prices, follow the steps below.


    Following these steps will strip all cost price information from the items you select in the wizards. This should only be done if you are absolutely sure you want to remove cost prices from your Cloud POS database. Remember this will mean reports such as the Stock Value Report in Cloud Reports are now far less useful to you.

    Step 1: Use the Modify Supplier Information Wizard

    After importing the items into your Cloud POS Back Office from SIM, navigate to Wizards & SIM Wizards in the menu.

    Look for the Modify Supplier Information Wizard, and click 'Search and Select Items'.

    Remove any current filters in the item grid before you start.

    If this is your first time using the wizard in this way, scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see the 'Create Filter' bar:

    Build the filter with the following settings. Change each field by clicking on it.

    Click 'OK'.


    If you can't see 'Supplier Cost' in the list of filter fields, you will need to add it to your wizard first. Click 'Cancel', and when back at the wizard grid, use the 'Show Column Select' button, top-left. Drag the Supplier Cost column into your grid. You will now be able to create a filter with this field.

    Your filter will now have been applied to the wizard. Before you proceed, click 'Save Filter' above the grid and name it, for example, 'Removing Cost Prices'. This will allow you to skip the above steps in future, and simply apply your saved filter.

    If you are stripping out all cost prices, use the Select All tickbox, top-left, to select all of your filtered results.

    Click 'Edit Items' to proceed to the editing stage of the wizard.

    At the top of the Supplier Cost column, click 'Modify All'.

    In the pop-up box, set this value to 0, and then click 'Apply to All'.

    If you are sure you want to proceed, click 'Commit Changes', and this will remove the Supplier Cost from those items.

    The next time you need to follow this process, there will be no need to create the filter. Simply click 'Load Filter', and go from there.

    Step 2: Use the Revalue Stock (Cost Prices) Wizard

    Navigate back to Wizards & SIM Wizards, and find the Revalue Stock (Cost Prices) Wizard.

    Select 'All Stores' from the drop-down, and then 'Search & Select Items'.

    Click 'Load Filter', and load up your previously saved filter from the list.

    Select the items you would like to work with, and then click 'Edit Items' below the grid.

    At the top of the Cost Price column, click 'Modify All'.

    Leave the selection at 'Fixed Cost', and set the value to 0. Click 'Apply New Cost'.

    If you are sure you want to proceed, click 'Commit Changes', and this will remove the Cost Price from those items.

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