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    How do I create and manage Reason Codes?

    A guide on creating and managing Reason Codes in the backoffice

    Reason Codes are used throughout Cloud POS, to create a traceable record of why a particular action has been taken on the system.

    They are a critical part of Cloud POS and you will find that you are unable to perform some tasks if you do not have a corresponding Reason Code set up in the system.

    There are several Reason Code Types:

    Discount - This is applied in POS, when a sales line item is manually discounted.

    Inventory Manual Adjustment - This is applied in Cloud POS Backoffice, when the stock quantity of an item is manually adjusted, or when committing a stock take.

    Return to Online Inventory - This is applied in POS, when an item or transaction is returned and the product is able to be resold as new. This will book the item back into available stock.

    Return to Offline Inventory - This is applied in POS, when an item or transaction is returned is damaged or needs to be returned to the supplier.  This option will leave the item unavailable to sell.  Learn about the offline inventory

    Drop - This is applied in POS, when a drop / payout is processed.

    Managing Reason Codes

    From the backoffice menu, select Setup and then Reason Codes:


    To create a new Reason Code:

    1)  Click the New button;

    2)  Choose a Description that will be clear to all users, then set the Type to dictate when it appears;

    3)  Click the Active box to activate the Reason Code;

    4)  Click Save Changes to create the new Reason Code.

    To edit an existing Reason Code:

    1)  Click on the Description of the relevant line;

    2)  Edit the description if required, or tick / untick the Active field depending on your requirements;

    3)  Click Save Changes.

    Reason Codes cannot be deleted, but can be made inactive and will therefore no longer appear as an option to select.  

    Once a Reason Code is created it is locked to a type and only the description can be changed.  If a Reason Code is created with the incorrect type, please make it inactive and recreate correctly following the steps described above.

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