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    Understanding the Item Card

    Quick Search

    • The quick search enables you to scan an item or type in a specific alias or item lookup code and then search for the item enabling you to move between items easily.

    Item Active

    • This tick box defines if the item is active or inactive. Inactive items cannot be found in the POS item search, sold or placed on a Purchase order.  Deactivating an item here will deactivate it from your website.

    Item lookup code

    • The item lookup code is a unique code required on all items.  This will be used to search for items and will be printed on the barcode.

    Item type

    • A standard item is a single item within your database. They can later be incorporated into a Matrix for variations.
    • A serialised item carries all of the same standard characteristics of a Standard item.  In addition, every individual item in stock will carry its own unique serial number.  The system will record the serial number against the transaction when an item is sold.  This allow you to associate a specific product to a sale or customer.
    Matrix Parent
    • Matrix items are a group of standard/serialized items, each item being a variant of the matrix parent. E.g. the matrix item may be a blue shirt, where one of the standard items will be the blue shirt in a Size Small.
    Non Inventory
    • A non-inventory item is a standard item where the system does not record stock levels. The stock level of a non-inventory inventory will not change when an item is sold or returned and an out of stock warning will never show when the item is sold.  This is commonly used with service related products.
    • Used for creating bundle deals and service packages from other existing items in the system.


    • The items description Is a required field that gives further detail about each item.  Use this to enter key information about the product; colour, size etc.  You should be able to identify a product from the description field.  The description will show in the item search.

    Barcode Description

    • This is a shorter description (limited to 30 characters) which is shown on 40-col receipts and on the barcode label.

    Member of

    • This shows if the item is a member of any group items including; Matrix, kit and assembly items.


    • Link the item to its manufacturer.  This is not a required field, but is essential to allow some reports to function correctly.


    • Identifies if this product is designed for Males, Females, Unisex or is for children

    Item tax

    • Item tax controls what percentage of the selling price is to be paid as VAT.  It is important you set the correct tax rate so as not to under or over pay VAT.  This is a required field.


    • The category field allows you to associate the product with a department and category within your database.  This will allow you to report on groups of similar products.


    • Season is the selling period for a product for the store.  Grouping products by season allows you to target promotions and identify aged stock.


    • The Supplier of the item.  Setting this will allow you to add the items to purchase orders and transfers.



    • This shows all of the stores within your retail groups


    • This is the current quantity of physical stock within each store

    Min (Restock Point)

    • The point at which the purchase order tool will add this item to the next relevant purchase order (Minimum level)

    Max (Restock Level)

    • The point where the purchase order tool will top the stock up to when you reach the reorder level (Maximum level)


    • This show any items committed to an order for a customer, or on a Transfer


    • The number of items in free stock and available to sell / transfer. QTY – Committed = Available

    Bin location

    • Bin locations can be assigned to a product alongside a company’s warehouse system, to state the location where the stock is stored within your warehouse.

    Last sold

    • The date at which this item was last sold through the retail system.  This is recorded at the point of completing a transaction, items added to orders will not be included until the order is complete.

    Last received

    • This is the date that this product was last received and committed on a purchase order.  Please note, manual stock adjustments will not be included in this.


    • This shows when the item record was last updated.


    This is a list of the suppliers where this item can be purchased from.  Here you can see the last cost from that supplier, the Supplier Part Code (reorder number) and set up MPQ/Master Pack Quantity values where applicable.



    • The price field shows the current selling price.  This price will pull through to POS and the website unless a sale price is set for the product.

    Average Weighted Cost

    • This is the average cost price for the product calculated over all of times the product has been received on a purchase order.  This price is used to calculate your current stock holding and care should be taken when changing this price.

    Price levels

    • Specific price levels can be set for a product, you can assign a price level to a customer or a specific transaction.


    • This is the manufacturer’s suggested retail price.

    Amazon price

    • This price will be used when selling this item on Amazon through the Amazon integration.

    eBay price

    • This price will be used when selling this item on eBay through the eBay integration.

    Website price

    • This price will be used when selling this item through Citrus Store.

    Profit Margin

    • This is the profit margin that will be achieved when selling this product at the price stated in the price field.

    Sale pricing

    Item on sale

    • This tick box show whether this item is currently on sale

    Sale price

    • This is the price at which the item will be sold when a sale is active

    Start date

    • The date when the sale price for this item will be made active

    End date

    • The date when the sale price for this item will be made inactive


    Volume discounting

    • You can use volume discounting to give a discount when a certain quantity of an item is purchased.  This uses a percentage discount.

    Extra Barcodes and Aliases

    • Alias codes are additional barcodes used to identify the product and can be scanned into POS to find the item and add it to a transaction.  Alias codes must be unique and cannot be the same as any item lookup code within the database.



    • This is the packaged weight of the item

    Tare weight

    • Tare weights include the weights of crates, boxes, or other packaging material that should not be counted as the actual weight of the product.


    • Here you can add any notes that may be relevant to the item.  This field is for reference only.


    •  This section shows all Serial numbers (by store) which have been created for this item.  It shows Serial Number 1, 2 & 3 as well as the status (either Available or Sold) and if relevant the Customer the serial item was sold to.


    Must enter price at POS

    • When added to a transaction, the cashier will be prompted to enter a price for the product.
      If you then discount the item, the discount will be calculated based on the price that has been entered, not the price that may be set on the item card.

    Quantity entry at POS not allowed

    • When added to a transaction, the cashier will not be able to change the quantity of this item.

    Item is not discountable at POS

    • When added to a transaction, the cashier will not be able to change the price or apply a discount to this item.

    May not be placed on Purchase Order

    • Stops the item being added to any future purchase orders. This item will be excluded when a purchase order is created using the purchase order creation tool.


    • Here you can print labels for the product. You can also specify which store you wish to print at and the quantity to print.
    • Label print options - here you can specify how you would like labels to be printed for this item, e.g. for a box of 100 products you may only want to print 1 label.

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