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    Google Ads // Set delivery in Google Merchant Center

    To set-up delivery in your Google Merchant Center, select the spanner icon in the top right of your screen and click Delivery and Returns:

    You then need to select the blue plus icon that appears on the Delivery services page:

    After entering a name for the service and selecting the UK as the service area, you will then need to fill in the relevant details in Delivery time.

    Note: It is essential you select the correct service area and currency

    The final step to adding your delivery is to enter the rates active on your site.  We recommend only setting up your standard service for Google Shopping.

    Most standard delivery options offer free delivery over a certain basket value.  For this to appear correctly on your Ads, you need to order the table by price.

    Once all of the details are correct, select Continue in the bottom left, then Save.  Your Ads will then have a delivery charge against them and be able to appear on Google Shopping.

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