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    How do I recall a customer order or quote?

    There are several methods for recalling an order or quote into the Point of Sale.

    Using the ‘Scan to recall open order’ field

    This field is located at the top of your Point of Sale screen:


    Here you can:

    • Type a customer order number
    • Scan the barcode on an order receipt
    • Scan an item that is included on the order
    • Click the Recall Orders button to the left of the search field to view a list of all open orders, as shown here:

    You can search for orders in the grid using one or more of the column headers.

    To select an order for recall, use the Select button on the left or double-click the relevant row.


    Using the Point of Sale menu

    Click into the Customer Orders menu and click Recall Order.


    Tip: Setting the customer first

    If your order list is quite long, it can be useful to pre-filter the list by setting the customer before you begin searching. Once you have set the customer in the Point of Sale, you can use either the Customer Orders menu or the button to the left of the ‘Scan to recall an open order’ field. You will now only see orders for the set customer in the list.



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