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    Customer Rewards // Can I see how a customer earned or redeemed their points?

    From time to time you may wish to look into how a customer earned or spent their Customer Rewards points.

    You can do this from your Customer Rewards Store Interface:

    Once logged in, select the Customers option from the main menu, use the filters to locate the customer in question, then click Edit next to their record.

    Scroll down the page to the section titled Points Log.  Here you'll see the options to view Points Redeemed and Sales Generating Points

    Points Redeemed

    Clicking on this section will show you the occasions when a customer has spent their points, the number of points spent, and where they were redeemed:

    Sales Generating Points

    This section shows the transactions where the customer earned points. It displays the store where the purchase was made, the details of the items purchased, the Cloud POS Transaction ID, the date the points were issued, and the number of points awarded:


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