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    How do I deal with Custom Builds in Cloud POS?

    You may wish to sell items through CloudPOS that are built using products that you stock in store. Below is our recommended guidance which explains how this is possible, allowing you to report fully on the items used and the custom products that you have sold. 

    In order to enable tracking of Custom Build sales, first create an item that is easily identifiable such as BIKEBUILDITEM or CUSTOMBUILDITEM. This can either be a Non-inventory item that will allow you to sell without the restriction of stock levels or a Serialised item that will allow you to assign a Serial Number to the bikes you build. It is important to adjust the settings of the item to require the cashier to set the price at the Point of Sale so that the user is prompted to identify the selling price of the build. When setting the cost and selling price, both can be left at £0.00. 

    When creating an order for your customer, it is this product that would be added to the Workorder or Workshop Job.

    You will need to ensure that the stock of items used during the build is adjusted and the products are financially accounted for. To do this, we recommend using the 'Transfer to Supplier' option, creating an internal 'Supplier' to send the stock to. This will effectively show the items as leaving the business. 

    (Please see our recommended procedure for dealing with Workshop consumables here:

    After completing the sale, you can use the easily identifiable Item Lookup Code within Cloud Reports to gain an idea of how often you are selling Custom Bike Builds. In the screen capture below, I have used the Item Lookup Code column in the Margin Detail Report to view how many bike builds I have sold over a two week period.

    Using the Item Movement Report, we can then track the cost of the consumables that have been used to complete the bike build. In the example below, you can see that I have used the 'Movement Type' field to search for Transfer Out. This allows me to see all items that have been transferred from my store and the extended cost of the goods used.

    Note: If you are a multi-store business, the transfer out movement type may not work for you, particularly if you transfer stock between premises. As such, you may wish to transfer the stock to Offline Inventory before returning to the Supplier, creating a 'Consumables' reason code. This will allow you to filter by the 'Offline Inventory' movement type instead, filtering to show only Consumables. See the example below:

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