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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? 22nd May 2020

    New DLL's are now available.  Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates

    These changes are applied to each website individually when fixes are required.  They will be tested and signed off for use week commencing 25th May.


    • Significant improvements of the size filter code, allowing size filters to be enabled; 
    • Preparations made for Klarna integration.

    Bug Fixes

    • Invalid quantity values prevented from being pasted on the item page;
    • Double quotation marks (") used when naming facets are now removed when published onto the site because they will cause an error.  For example 25.5" would be shown as 25.5.

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates

    We are continuing to develop our own planned changes into Cloud Merchant Tools (Cloud MT), alongside working on feedback we are receiving from our group of test clients.  These changes are made live for all customers on Friday, May 22nd.

    • Add Backorder Delay and Explanation to Backorder Wizard:

    You select which fields you would like to update, confirmation of changes is shown beneath selections.

    • Clear Promotion button removed from Star Buy Set-Up Wizard because it is not applicable;
    • Search fields added to the Item Search page and Bulk Wizards item selection: Pre-launch, Pre-launch Date, Allow Backorder, Primary Category.  These are available as additional columns in Column Chooser or already added to applicable Wizard grids: 
    • Item Filter Quick Apply improvements: Primary Category now shown correctly, all items without filters now listed, code improvements made to improve speed, column widths adjusted;
    • Item Save functionality updated to be consistent, all changes on an item must be saved on the main item page itself, rather than at individual steps throughout item set up;
    • Feedback added to warn when leaving unsaved changes;
    • Feature descriptions added throughout Cloud MT; 
    • Further work to improve grid speed, effecting the coupon list and eBay planner; 
    • Active/Inactive toggle removed from Coupon List page because this is no longer needed due to the grid filters being saved on this grid;
    • Default row count on grids increased to 20;
    • Feedback during saving added;
    • Changed terminology from Home to Dashboard;
    • Home Icon removed, you return to the Dashboard by navigating using the menu or clicking the Cloud MT logo;
    • When updating an item, the order of events now ensures that saving of manual changes is completed before the retrieval of information from SIM data;
    • Google shopping, Amazon and eBay require items to have valid barcodes, to assist retailers with this we have added validation feedback when viewing an Items Attributes and Stock:

    • Improved user experience when adding items to Colour Group; 
    • Fields required for Google Shopping highlighted as required;
    • Work has commenced on an Image uploader / gallery.

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