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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? 7th May 2020

    New DLL's are now available.  Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates

    These changes are applied to each website individually when fixes are required.  They will be tested and signed off for use week commencing 11th May.


    • Find & Filter code performance improvements introduced platform-wide across Modular sites after successful beta testing.  Tests over an extended period of time demonstrated improvements in bounce rate and customer engagement owing to improved page speed.

    Bug Fixes

    • Switching between colours on Star Buy active items, the item title in the Star Buy modal now updates to reflect the product being viewed. 

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates

    We are continuing to develop our own planned changes into Cloud Merchant Tools (Cloud MT), alongside working on feedback we are receiving from our group of test clients.  These changes are made live for all customers on Thursday, May 7th.

    • Button Styles updated throughout Cloud MT - Button colour now reflects its purpose (Black = Navigation, Blue = Action, Green  = Saving Action, Red = Delete)
    • Item Search BETA - The development team have been working hard to improve the performance of the Item Search Grid, we have deployed an additional Item Search page for BETA testing improvements, please use this page and provide any performance feedback to help us improve.
    • Ability to assign to a Collection added to Find & Filter Options on the item page
    • Additional Bulk Wizards have been added to Cloud MT:        
      • Item Pre-launch
      • Item Backorder
      • Track Item Inventory 
      • Delivery Charges Apply
      • Restrict Store Pick-up 
    • Block Mail Order Wizard renamed to Click & Collect Only;
    • Changes to terminology throughout Cloud MT:    
      • Item rather than Product
      • Home rather than Dashboard
      • Despatched rather than Shipping (when we are referring to despatch of a product)
      • Stock rather than Inventory
    • Navigation terms updated to be consistent; 
    • Navigation colour scheme updated;
    • SEO title character restriction increased to 65 characters; 
    • Banner collections can no longer be deleted (they can still be made inactive);
    • Export to excel functionality added to the following reports:
      • Inactive Styles 
      • Order Lines Report 
      • Order Summary 
      • Star Buy Report 
    • Save notifications improved:
      • They now remain on screen for longer 
      • You can close by hovering and then clicking to the far right of the notification
    • Colour Group options now not clickable until page load completed; 
    • Placeholder text added to Login page along with improved feedback when correct or incorrect information entered; 
    • Image added to Login page in place of video;
    • Consistent presentation of Information Panels; 
    • Additional Save Changes button added to the Item Edit Page;

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