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    How do I move a deposit from my old retail system onto Citrus-Lime Cloud POS?

    Transferring deposit

    When you move to using the new Citrus Lime Cloud POS from an existing EPOS system you may have customer orders on the old system that have a deposit assigned to them.  This article describes best practice for moving these over.

    The first thing to do is to replicate the outstanding orders from your old system on Cloud POS, the following article gives you a brief description of the order types available:

    How do I create a customer order or quote?

    Once you have copied the order details across, we suggest you create a new Tender Type to record where the deposits have come from effectively (call it 'Old Deposit' for example'), the following article describes how to create a tender type:

    How do I add new or amend Tender Types?

    We would then suggest refunding the deposits from the old system, you can then add the deposit on to the order on Cloud POS using the new tender type.  By refunding the deposits on the old system, you will not be double reporting these deposits if you ever have to report across both the new and old systems.

    The results of this process should be that you have no outstanding deposits on the old system, as they now all exist against open orders within Cloud POS.

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