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    Cloud POS // What's new in this release? January 2017

    Updated Wizard Functionality

    Wizards now include the ability to update items quickly based on a selection of filters. The new wizards allow you to update all pricing and including a SIM cost and price update, items details and fields within the items and a reorder wizard to add and edit Min and Max quantities in bulk. The wizards can be found in the ‘create and manage items section in the back-office menu.


     Who ordered what on this PO?

    We have added a notification when receiving a Purchase order to show you all items that are assigned to customer orders. The feature gives the option to with the customer’s order and details or contact the customer using the communication tool from the Purchase order screen. You can also go straight to the POS to view the order.


     Quick inventory adjust

    It is now possible to manually adjust stock levels on an item. This can be done by opening the item within back office and changing the on-hand quantity in the inventory section. All quantity changes will require a reason code and will be recorder for your reference.



    Faster stock takes

    Both the stock take quick scan and import functions have been improved for more accurate and faster stock takes.


    Open worksorders/layaways from the back office

    It is now possible to open any order from the back-office order list and the order list within a customer card. The order will open fulling POS for you to make changes or complete the transaction.



    Item movement report in Cloud Reports

    Cloud reports now contains an item movement report. This details the movement of all items including sales, returns, goods in and manual adjustments.


    Improved tender screen

    We have improved the look and usability of the tender screen, making the screen more visible and have better compatibility for all screen sizes



    Faster performance and load times

    We have improved the speed of the workshop module, items search grids and the POS open order search grid.


    Page load time monitoring

    As well as improving the above load times, we have improved our monitoring of page load times. This will enable us to better asses any speed issues.


    The following fixes and developments have also been included in this release:

    Type Project Area Notes

    UI/UX Enhancement Backoffice General It is now possible to open all customers orders in POS straight from the order list (or customer screen) in Back Office
    Bug Backoffice General Customer Total Visit calculation is now displaying the correct number of visits
    Bug Backoffice General Reprint A4 Receipt button has been hidden when viewing an X- & Z-report
    Bug Backoffice General Bug causing multiple reprints (when reprinting from the receipt journal) is resolved
    As and When Backoffice General Option to add Store Opening Times has been added to Back Office Setup pages
    Bug Backoffice General Email and Telephone Number are no longer required to enable set-up of a new mechanic
    New Feature Development Backoffice General Validation when adding an alias has been improved to ensure no duplicates are created in the Citrus-Lime POS Database
    Bug Backoffice General Bug showing incorrect supplier on stock enquiry (for items with no supplier) has been resolved
    New Feature Development Backoffice General A list of all receipts for every work order has been added to the Work Order List and Customer pages in Back Office
    Bug Backoffice General Bug in Journal Filtering that did not allow the display of receipts for orders is now resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Backoffice General Cloud Reports now opens in a new browser tab from Back Office

    Bug Customer Backoffice Functioanlity Customer Comunications panel now refreshes and resets every time it is opened
    UI/UX Enhancement Customer Backoffice Functioanlity Links to legacy Customer Comunication pages have been removed

    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Error message improved to give more detail when the user attempts to duplicate a supplier reorder number
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Error caused by using tab to move around fields of a matrix item has been resolved
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Average Weighted Cost can no longer be edited; Cost can be edited By Supplier and on Goods In
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug preventing the user from editing the Date or Price of a sale without deactivating the sale is resolved
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Error Message improved when attempting to duplicate an Item Lookup Code during matrix item creation
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug effecting changes to item season are not saving is now resolved
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug generated when Updating a Description resulted in this not being reflected on the barcode has been resolved
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Error message when attempting to Convert an Item Type after it has been sold now has improved legibility
    Bug Item Creation Including Matrix Items Copy to All function when editing matrix pricing now works on all price fields

    Bug POS Customer Tax Exemption no longer shows as a discount on the POS screen
    Bug POS Issue occuring when returning a transaction that was discounted, the price when recalled was not the discounted price now is resolved
    Bug POS Bug allowing the commited quantity to fall below zero has been resolved
    New Feature Development POS Quick Log-in for POS added
    UI/UX Enhancement POS Bug where adding an item that required a further ation (e.g. set price at POS) unfocused the input field (ready for next scan) is resolved
    New Feature Development POS

    Deposits can no longer be paid for by Customer Account. Final payamnts can be applied to customer account

    UI/UX Enhancement POS Double-click to select a row in a grid now works across the platform
    UI/UX Enhancement POS Assign Sales Rep feature in POS is now a button; making the feature clearer for the end user
    UI/UX Enhancement POS Serial Numbers now display more clearly on the A4 Receipts
    UI/UX Enhancement POS All references to historic Back Order function have been removed from search grids
    UI/UX Enhancement POS There is now a Price Level specifically for use with integrated Citrus-Lime Ecommerce 
    Bug POS Bug where Remaining Balance did not increase, when increasing the quantity of an item already in the order, has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement POS When it is possible that the user is going to over-sell a serialised item, a notification has been added to make the user aware that the product may be reserved for another customer
    Bug POS Email field when creating a customer is no longer case sensitive
    UI/UX Enhancement POS A "Show In Stock Items" option has been added to the POS Search Grid
    Bug POS Quantity and Commited Quantity of non-inventory items no longer changes when added to orders
    Bug POS Bug preventing Free Stock from refreshing (to show revised free stock count), when editing quantities in orders, has been resolved
    Bug POS Clicking 'Return to POS' when setting a Serial Number no longer takes the user to the Tender Screen
    Bug POS Bug causing the removal of an item from an order or transaction, when setting the line item price to Zero, is now resolved
    Bug POS Bug setting price to zero when using a price level on a tax exempt customer is resolved
    Bug POS Z report 'Money Out' section no longer includes closing amounts. Closing amount totals have now been added to the report
    Bug POS Bug allowing customer account credit to be exceeded on work order completion is now resolved

    Bug Purchase Orders Bug where SIM MSRP Update rounded to the nearest whole pound is now resolved
    Bug Purchase Orders Products added to a quote are no longer added to purchase orders automatically
    Bug Purchase Orders Bug displaying an Unsaved Changes Warning when not required has been resolved
    New Feature Development Purchase Orders Purchase orders now support Import of Supplier CSV files to create an Automatic SIM Import for items not already in the Citrus-Lime POS database
    Bug Purchase Orders Bug displaying 'Awaiting Stock' when an order has been commited has been resolved
    Bug Purchase Orders Quick Scan using the Re-order Number now working correctly
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders A scroll bar has been added to the top of the Purchase Order page grid
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Print labels pop-up buttons have been changed to make the required action clearer
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Select all for pickup function has been relocated
    New Feature Development Purchase Orders The Citrus-Lime POS user is now notified when receiving an order with items that are already commited to a customer
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Price and Quantity entry field on Purchase Orders now remain at full size when editing the fields
    Bug Purchase Orders Bug where SIM Price Update was not updating price field (if there was not MSRP update) has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders An audible warning (BEEP!) has been added when there is an error scanning a barcode
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Create Purchase Order With All Items from Supplier option has been removed
    Bug Purchase Orders Negative on-hand quantities were not being added to orders when using Min and Max ordering now resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Orders Feedback message when scanning items in now more clear to the end user
    Bug Purchase Orders Bug causing Goods In to print labels multiple times has been resolved

    Bug SIM SIM Import now populates the Gender field on all items
    Bug SIM Bug where SIM would set Season to '0', if there was no relevant season, has been resolved
    New Feature Development SIM Improved error monitoring has been added to better detail and alert the Citrus-Lime POS Support Team of errors 
    New Feature Development SIM SIM Update will now add missing barcodes to items when an item has no barcode (but SIM feed data contains a barcode)
    UI/UX Enhancement SIM SIM Import button has been removed from all screens (except the review screen)
    Bug SIM Time-out when adding a large numbers of items to the SIM basket (c. 1500+) has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement SIM SIM imported items screens has been visually improved for better User Experience

    UI/UX Enhancement Stock Take When importing Stock Take data, the screen is now inactive until the import is complete and a Load Screen has been added, too
    UI/UX Enhancement Stock Take Error message when scanning items not found in database has been made clearer
    Bug Stock Take Bug where Stock Take error opens twice has been resolved
    Bug Stock Take Stock Take Import created an error report at the end of each import, which was not required. This now only occurs when an error occurs

    UI/UX Enhancement Wizards Wizard functions have been moved to 'Create & Manage Items' section in the main menu of the Back Office

    Bug Workshop Bug where items added from the Workshop modules did not commit stock is now resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Workshop It is no longer possible to continue working on a workshop job once it has been marked as collected from within POS
    New Feature Development Workshop Price Detail has been added to the printable Workshop Tag
    Bug Workshop Bug preventing the use of an apostrophe in Workshop Notes has been resolved
    UI/UX Enhancement Workshop Quick Scan field has been made much more clear to the Workshop User
    UI/UX Enhancement Workshop Phrasing Update : "Waiting in Parts" changed to "Waiting on Parts"
    UI/UX Enhancement Workshop An option to print Workshop Tag has been added to the Job List View

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