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    Cloud POS // What's new in this release? April 2017

    Z Report Tax breakdown

    Your Z report will now break down each tax band with a tax collected and Gross revenue column for faster end of day reconciliation



    Quick Log out

    Quick log out button has been added to the POS at the end of each transaction to speed up changing cashiers. Log in speed load speed has also been increased. 



    Citrus-Lime’s Bulk Order Processing Module is now available for setup within Citrus-Lime Cloud POS.

    Bulk order processing module allows efficient and accurate pick pack and dispatch of your web and mail orders. The module includes integration to your existing courier accounts to send consignment to the courier and print labels at the POS. For more details contact your account manager.


    eBay & Amazon order download into Citrus-Lime Cloud POS.

    Download of eBay and Amazon orders into Citrus-Lime Cloud POS is now supported.


    Label print options

    It is now possible to control label printing for specific items within the item card. You have the choice to set any item to only print one label or never print when receiving or carrying out a bulk print. This will mean you can now print one label when receiving boxed item rather than the number of items in the box. This setting is available in the advanced tab on each item card and on the item detail wizard to apply in bulk. 

    Customer Account credit payment at POS

    It is now possible to make a payment to a customer account to give a positive credit.


    Customer import and Edit

    Customer export, edit and import can now be carried out in the back office. This allow all customers to be exported for bulk edit, or the full import of an existing customer database into your retail system.


    Bulk item import

    Items can now be imported into Citrus-Lime Cloud POS through the back office. A template can now be exported to allow the import of items in bulk and bulk item creation within your system.


    Supplier Information Wizard

    Supplier Information Wizard has been added to the wizard tools allowing bulks changes to minimum order quantity, Supplier costs, Reorder numbers, and master pack quantities.



    The following fixes and developments have also been included in this release:

    Title Type Title
    Backoffice General    
    Backoffice General Bug Cashier email field has been limited to 225 character to prevent errors
    Backoffice General Bug Bug where items with an assembly where not uploaded to merchant tools
    Backoffice General Bug Intermittent issue preventing convert item type from working is resolved
    Backoffice General Bug Manually adjusting item quantity no longer changes last sold date
    Backoffice General Bug Error preventing user saving a sale price within a matrix is resolved
    Backoffice General Bug Journal ILC and description search filters now function correctly
    Backoffice General Bug Receipts are now journaled by date printed
    Backoffice General New Feature Development Bulk Order Processing and Courier integration is now available for setup
    Backoffice General New Feature Development Sale prices now start and end at midnight on the date set
    Backoffice General New Feature Development New report created to view stock in transit when being transferred
    Backoffice General New Feature Development Customer deposit paid now displays on order reports
    Backoffice General New Feature Development Each item card now displays a quick link to the movement report for that item
    Backoffice General New Feature Development Print options introduced for individual products to select to never or only print one label when receiving the item.
    Backoffice General UI/UX Enhancement All save / Cancel buttons have been updated so that Save is on the right
    Backoffice General UI/UX Enhancement SMS and Email buttons have been disabled when there is no number / email present
    Backoffice General UI/UX Enhancement Barcode labels with large detail no longer overlap text
    Backoffice General UI/UX Enhancement Stock enquiry pop up now displays customers order in due date order
    Backoffice General UI/UX Enhancement Supplier items supplied grid has improved filters an more product detail
    Customer Backoffice Functionality    
    Customer Backoffice Functionality As and When Customer credit account can now be made inactive if no longer required
    Customer Backoffice Functionality Bug Matrix parents no longer show any stock level on search grid
    Customer Backoffice Functionality Bug Bug allowing user to exceed a credit limit with a manual adjustment has been rectified
    Customer Backoffice Functionality Bug intermittent issue preventing emails being sent has been resolved
    Customer Backoffice Functionality Bug Customer info can no longer be duplicated within the backoffice
    Customer Backoffice Functionality Bug Season creation now has a character limit to prevent error
    Customer Backoffice Functionality Bug Bug displaying incorrect receipt against some customers is resolved
    Customer Backoffice Functionality New Feature Development Customer account payment now produces a receipt
    Customer Backoffice Functionality UI/UX Enhancement Customer order report now displays the order reference
    External API & Integration    
    External API & Integration New Feature Development Amazon integration and order download is now live
    External API & Integration New Feature Development Outstanding deposit report is now available in Cloud Reports
    Import New Feature Development Bulk Customer import and bulk edit function as now available
    Import New Feature Development Bulk item import function as now available
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items    
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items As and When Re order level, restock level and bin location can now be edited from the matrix item page
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug Matrix items creation now allows an unlimited amount of components
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug Bug where carriage return converted an item to serialised has been resolved
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug Item creation cancel button now functions correctly
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items Bug Bug allowing matrix code to be used as an alias has been resolved
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items New Feature Development MSRP is now part of the matrix creation process and is applied to all components
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items UI/UX Enhancement Price and MSRP fields no have max value limits
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items UI/UX Enhancement Sale prices can no longer be set as negative values
    Item Creation Including Matrix Items UI/UX Enhancement Item creation price fields are now in the same order on all item types
    POS As and When Receipts are now created for Pay-outs and cash drops
    POS As and When Orders with items cancelled now report correctly with the receipt journal
    POS As and When Font size has been increased on price labels
    POS As and When Standard receipt now show account number and customer name where relevant
    POS As and When Z report now show a breakdown by tax type including VAT collected and Gross revenue
    POS Bug Bug which stopped deposit applied value being displayed on receipt has been resolved
    POS Bug Movement report now correctly displays the reason code for returns
    POS Bug Bug where discount amount shown incorrectly when multiple item quantities are discount is resolved
    POS Bug Bug where items reduced to zero on a work order remain committed is now resolved
    POS Bug Customer contact preference and Date of Birth no longer remain a null when customer is created in POS
    POS Bug Customer price level now functions to give the correct discount in POS
    POS Bug Tender types has now been limited to a maximum of 18 live types
    POS Bug Amazon and eBay order now display in the order list as soon as they are created
    POS Bug Customer name now displays on refund receipts
    POS Bug Additions lines now show on refund receipts
    POS Bug When returning a deposit it is no longer possible to continue without picking a tender type
    POS Bug Special characters now print correctly on receipts
    POS New Feature Development Customer rewards is now ready for setup for retailers
    POS New Feature Development Adjustments to debit an account now show in POS to allow payment
    POS New Feature Development A4 sales receipt now states receipt / invoice
    POS New Feature Development Customer account number now displays on customer search in POS
    POS New Feature Development Layaways can now be converted to a workshop job
    POS New Feature Development Deliver address is now pre set when an order downloads to POS
    POS New Feature Development Quick log out has been added to allow quicker cashier changing after each transaction
    POS UI/UX Enhancement Deposits can no longer be made when collecting orders as full payment is required
    POS UI/UX Enhancement credit limit exceeded error message no only show value to two decimal places
    POS UI/UX Enhancement users will now be warned when a mobile number is duplicated on a customer account
    Purchase Orders    
    Purchase Orders Bug Blank purchase orders can now be deleted
    Purchase Orders Bug Purchase Order import with SIM item creation is now live
    Purchase Orders New Feature Development Supplier order reference / number can no be added to a PO on creation and in the PO item screen
    Purchase Orders New Feature Development Madison / Sportline SIM stock now shows correctly in PO screens and in POS stock lookup
    Purchase Orders New Feature Development when adding an item to a PO there is now a price on the add item grid
    Purchase Orders UI/UX Enhancement Purchase Order add items now searches for barcodes and item lookup codes
    Purchase Orders UI/UX Enhancement Customer order pop up now excludes quotes and includes the store name
    Purchase Orders UI/UX Enhancement Bug where PO could be raised to a supplier twice has been resolved
    SIM Bug Bug stopping SIM import when an alias was duplicated in the database is resolved
    SIM New Feature Development MSRP is now set on a matrix parent on SIM import
    SIM New Feature Development Alias' are now automatically added as a supplier adds them to their sim feed
    Stock Take    
    Stock Take Bug Bug with stocktake quick scan clearing previous item has been resolved
    Stock Take New Feature Development It is now possible to delete an unwanted stocktake (only uncounted stocktakes)
    Stock Take UI/UX Enhancement Bug preventing stocktake from importing when an item was on two lines has been resolved
    Wizards Bug Negative values can no longer be entered into wizards
    Wizards New Feature Development Website price field has been added to price wizard
    Wizards New Feature Development Update supplier information wizard has been released
    Workshop Bug Chrome updates causing issues with workshop have been resolved
    Workshop Bug Deleting mechanics assigned to jobs causes an error on the job. Live mechanics can no longer be deleted
    Workshop Bug Bug where adding an item removes job reference and order number is resolved
    Workshop Bug Bug when adding an item unticked the checked in box is resolved
    Workshop Bug Intermittent issue where jobs could not be closed when QC had been entered has been resolved
    Workshop New Feature Development Workshop is now only shows jobs for the store that is logged in
    Workshop UI/UX Enhancement Price column has now been added to the add item search grid
    Workshop UI/UX Enhancement Brand column has now been added to the add item search grid

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