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    Customer Rewards // How do Promotions and Points Multipliers work together?

    In this article, we look at how Promotions and customer-specific Points Multipliers work together and the effect that these have on the Rewards points a customer will earn when they make a purchase.

    To better understand this, we'd recommend you first take a look at the articles which cover each of these topics in more detail:

    Customer Rewards Promotions

    Customer Rewards Points Multipliers

    In essence, if you have a customer who has a Points Multiplier set on their account, that multiplier will mean they either earn more or fewer Rewards points than your standard points value level.

    For example, if your standard rate of points equates to £0.02 earned with every £1.00 spent, then a x2 multiplier would mean that customer earns £0.04 with every £1.00 spent.

    In contrast, a x0.5 multiplier would mean the customer only earns £0.01 with every £1.00 spent.

    If you also run Promotions within Customer Rewards, you'll know that these can be used to offer additional points when the customer purchases an item you have included in the promotion.

    That being the case, you could in theory have a scenario whereby a customer with a positive Points Multiplier on their account purchases an item which is included in a promotion, and therefore earns a value of points greater than you'd like to award.

    For this reason, the Customer Rewards platform will only award points on either the Points Multiplier or the Promotion, depending on which of these earns the most points.

    How does this work in practice?

    Here are some examples of how points will be earned in a range of situations:

    The Promotion awards more points than the Points Multiplier on the customer's account

    • The points are awarded from the promotion

    The Promotion awards less points than the Points Multiplier on the customer's account

    • The points are awarded from the Points Multiplier

    The Promotion awards zero points and the customer has a Points Multiplier on their account

    • Zero points are awarded

    The Promotion awards fewer points than the default level of points, and the customer has a Points Multiplier on their account

    • The points are awarded from the Points Multiplier





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