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    Purchase Order Screen Explained

    The Purchase Order screen has a lot of functionality, allowing for complete control of item ordering and price updates.

    In this guide, we break down each section and explore the functionality available;
    1) Header Information
    2) Main Grid
    3) Action Buttons

    Header Information


    1) Order Number: This is the unique identifying number for the Purchase Order generated by Cloud POS.

    2) Supplier Order Ref: This is the reference number you are given when you place your order i.e. when you complete the order in the B2B

    3) Title: This is your title for the Purchase Order

    4) Due Date: This is the date when you anticipate this Purchase Order arriving with you in-store

    5) Supplier: This is the Supplier that you are ordering from

    6) Information Icon: This pulls up the Supplier Information as a pop-up i.e. Supplier Address, Contact Name, Email Address ect

    7) Delivery To: This is the Store that the Purchase Order is being delivered to

    8) Order Created By: The Cashier that created the Purchase Order

    9) Available for Ecommerce Preorder?

    10) Ignore from Purchase Order Calculations?

    Main Grid

    1) #: Apply filters and Delete items from the Purchase Order

    2) Item Lookup Code

    3) Supplier Stock

    4) Item Description

    5) Supplier Part Code

    6) On Other Orders

    7)Next 14 days

    8)On this PO

    9) Why? This explains why the item has been placed on the order - manually added, autonomously added, etc

    10) Old Cost: The previous Supplier Cost

    11) Cost: The current cost of the item to be received 

    12) Minimum Order

    13) MPQ: Master Pack Quantity

    14) Pack Cost: Cost price of the MPQ

    15) Packs: Number of packs ordered

    16) Line Cost 

    17) Tax Rate (%)

    18) MSRP: Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price

    19) GPM (%): Gross Profit Margin
    Destination Store

    20) On Hand

    21) Committed

    22) Sales 365

    23) Sales 90

    24) Sales 30

    25) Last Received 

    26) Last Sold

    27) Line Weight (Grams) 

    Action Buttons

    1) Search SIM;

    By searching for an Item Lookup Code, Barcode, Description or Matrix Parent code, you can import items directly from SIM. 

    2)Add Items to Purchase Order;

    3) Quick Scan / Search Items;

    This feature allows you to scan an item or use the free search to find items. 
    You can search and add items from your inventory or you can Search SIM and import items.

    You can access this from the Quick Search too:

    You can also access this search with the following Keyboard shortcut:
    Windows: CTRL + Q
    Mac: Control + Q

    4)Update Items Using SIM;

    Update the Cost Price, MSRP and update your price to match the Supplier's MSRP with SIM.

    5) View Customer Orders;

    6) Actions;

    7) Print Purchase Order;

    9) Mark As Placed

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