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    Can i make changes to items on a Purchase Order in Bulk?

    Creating Wizards based on Purchase orders

    The system now has the ability to create wizards based on a Purchase Order, this can be accessed from two areas:

    1. From within the purchase order you are working on, click on the 'OPTIONS' button and then click the 'Create a wizard' option:


                This will then open a box that allows you to choose the particular wizard that is relevant to your needs:

                Once you have selected your wizard it will take you staright to the wizard with just thos products from the purcahse order showing:

    2.         The second option is available from within the 'Wizards & SIM Wizards' option on the Backoffice menu, each of the wizards has an option for 'Items on a Purchase order', if            you click on this option it will take you to a list of Purchase Orders and Transfers, you can then tick the box in the left hand column for the Purchase order you wish to                        work on:


    As in the first option this will take you directly into the wizard with the items already populated.

    For more information on using wizards go to the following articles:


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