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    How do I create a Miscellaneous Labour Item?

    If you need to create a Miscellaneous Labour Item with a variable price, you can create a Non-Inventory item with zero cost and price. You can then configure the item so that the cashier is prompted to enter a price each time the item is added to a transaction / customer order.

    Your initial item setup would look something like this. Notice the price has been set to 0.00:


    After clicking Save, navigate to the Advanced tab of the item record:


    Tick the Must Enter Price at POS checkbox:


    Click Save.

    When this item is added to a transaction or customer order, the cashier will be prompted to enter the price:


    Any price-based discounts that are applied to this item will be calculated based on the price that is entered into this field.

    You can also add a comment to this item in the Point of Sale to explain what the Miscellaneous item was used for;

    Reporting on Miscellaneous items

    The Margin Detail Report has a column for ‘Line Comment’ so you can see the comments used for Miscellaneous Items on a transaction. 



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