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    How do I add or edit Seasons?

    This article guides you through the Seasons functionality in the backoffice

    Seasons are used to group items within your retail system to allow you to report on specific item types together.  For example, you may want to report the sales of current season products.

    Brands are created and managed within the backoffice of Cloud POS.

    Creating a new season via the Seasons menu

    1)  From Cloud POS backoffice, select the Create & Manage Items menu, then Seasons:

    2)  Select New, enter the name of the season you wish to create, then click Update:

    Create a new season when creating a new item

    As part of the process of manually creating any new item in Cloud POS, you have the option to set the season.  See the Related Articles for guidance on how to create a new item.

    In this process, you will have the option of either selecting an existing season, or adding a new season.

    1)  In the Seasons section, you can select the season from the dropdown menu of existing seasons:

    2)  Either use the scroll function to locate the season from the list, or start typing the season name to drill down the results;

    3)  You also have the option to create a new season by typing in the name.  If the season doesn't already exist, you will be offer the opportunity to create the new season;

    4)  Click on the green section titled 'Add [season] as a new Season' and this will open a pop-up where you can confirm and Create the new season:

    5)  The season will now appear in your list of seasons, and can be added to any future products which you create.

    Editing an existing season

    1)  From Cloud POS backoffice, select the Create & Manage Items menu, then Seasons:

    2)  Click Edit on the season you wish to change;

    3)  Click Update to save your changes.

    Note:  This change will update all items within the season automatically.

    Deleting an existing season

    1)  From Cloud POS backoffice, select the Create & Manage Items menu, then Seasons:

    2)  Click Delete on the season you wish to remove.  Be aware that this step cannot be undone.

    Note:  You cannot delete a season that has items assigned to it.  You would first need to reassign all items to another season, which you can do using the Modify Item Detail Wizard.

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