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    How do I make a phone number mandatory for PayPal orders?

    PayPal order does not include a contact phone number for the customer

    If you depend on recording the phone number of your customers and use PayPal Express, you might have noticed that some customer addresses do not contain the phone number.

    By default PayPal Express does not capture the phone number of your customers. You have to explicitly enable this in your PayPal account.  To do this:

    1)  Log in to your PayPal account at

    2)  Click Account Settings:

    3)  Click Website Payments, then alongside the Website Preferences option, click Update:

    4)  Scroll down the page to find the section entitled Contact phone number:

    5)  Choose an option for Contact phone number:

    • Selecting On (Optional Field) will add the phone number field to your checkout, but not require it be filled in.
    • Selecting On (Required Field) will force every visitor to enter their phone number when checking out.


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