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    Cloud MT // Using the Payments page in Cloud MT

    You can view and manage payments made via your e-commerce platform on the Payments page in Cloud MT.

    You can access this page from the main menu in Cloud MT by navigating to Site Management, then Payments.

    This page displays a range of information, including all payment attempts (both successful and failed), the payment method used and payment status, and the results of any security checks that were carried out by the payment processor.

    You can also export data from this page in csv format, for manipulation outside of Cloud MT, using the Export Data button.

    In this article, we look at the different features on the page and how to use them.

    Date Range and Stored Data

    The data in the grid on the Payments page is pulled together from various external sources (the different providers that you use to accept online payments), plus information from the e-commerce database relating to each order.

    To make the page faster to use, the maximum length of a Date Range is one month. You can use the filters to set the date range you require, but this cannot be more than a one-month period.

    Setting the 'From' date first will mark the start of the up-to one-month period.

    Under the heading Stored Data, you'll see an explanation of how the page works in relation to storing the information that is presented in the grid.

    As explained earlier, the information in the grid has to be drawn from different sources, so this can have an impact on how quickly the page loads the data.  This would be particularly apparent if you intended to filter or sort the data, as each filter or sort operation you made would mean the data had to be reloaded.

    For this reason, you'll see a checkbox which gives you the option to Use Stored Data.

    When this box is selected, the platform will use a stored copy of all the data it has loaded, meaning that filtering or sorting the information in the grid is considerably faster than it would be, if the data needed to be loaded in real-time.

    Data is stored for up to an hour, so the drawback to using stored data is that the page will not display any transactions which have taken place since Cloud MT last requested the data.  However, the page will be faster to use.

    Option Pros Cons
    'Use Stored Data' selected Faster performance on the page Data is not in real-time
    'Use Stored Date' not selected Data is completely up-to-date Page is slower to work with

    If you intend to work with the data in the grid, we highly recommend selecting the option to Use Stored Data.

    Transactions grid

    Colour coding on the page helps you to quickly identify payment attempts that have been successful (green), have been refunded (blue), have failed or encountered a problem (red), or are pending / requiring attention (yellow).

    You can add and hide columns from the grid, allowing you to focus on and filter by the details which interest you most.

    Using the Column Chooser button, and dragging columns to and from the grid, you can choose from the following headings by which to filter and sort the data:

    • Date
    • Order Number
    • Processor Transaction ID - this will display the payment processor's reference, if this is provided by the payment processor;
    • Vendor Transaction ID - the reference you've given to the transaction, if you processed it using the Virtual Terminal;
    • Name
    • Email
    • Amount - what the customer has paid;
    • Method - how the customer paid;
    • Successful - indicates if the payment attempt succeeded, failed, or is pending.  You should not despatch an order until the payment shows as successful;
    • AVS - if supported by the payment processor, this checks the billing address provided by the customer matches the address to which the payment card is registered;
    • CVV - if supported by the payment processor, this checks that the security code provided by the customer matches the security code known to the payment card issuer;
    • Postcode - if supported by the payment processor, this checks the billing postcode provided by the customer matches the address to which the payment card is registered;
    • 3DS - if supported by the payment processor, this shows the results of a 3D Secure check carried out on the transaction;
    • Fraud - if supported by the payment processor, this will display the fraud score assessment.  Scoring is 0-99, with a higher score representing a greater risk that the transaction is fraudulent.  If the processor does not support fraud scoring, N/A will be displayed;
    • Stage - this shows the current status of the payment. The most common options here are Approved, Declined, Pending and Refunded. 

    A note on PayPal stages

    Please note that if a PayPal payment shows as 'Approved', this will mean it has fully completed or, in a few cases, it can also mean it has been approved pending further checks. These payments will show as 'On Hold' in your PayPal account. We will inform you about this by setting an appropriate comment on the order in the Cloud POS Back Office, and we also show this on the order notification email.

    The status will be 'PayPal status = COMPLETED' for a fully approved and completed payment. It will be 'PayPal status = COMPLETED-PENDING' if PayPal are carrying out those further checks. We would not recommend tendering those orders in Cloud POS until you can see that the hold has been removed in your PayPal account. 

    • POS Status - indicates if the order has been processed (shipped) or cancelled in Cloud POS.  Orders awaiting processing in Cloud POS will display -;
    • Payment Type - this displays whether the transaction is a sale or refund.  Note that refunds are displayed as a separate line.
    • Commands:
      • Security Info will show a summary of the order value, customer details and billing and shipping address, and any authorisation details if they have been provided by the payment processor.
      • Actions provides the ability to refund, void or release a payment, but this is only recommended for use in instances when the order cannot be refunded in Cloud POS.  NOTE:  You cannot refund Apple Pay payments using this method if your Apple Pay integration is via First Data (Fiserv).
      • Related Transactions - this shows all transactions which are related (a sale and a refund, for example).

    NOTE:  Related transactions are not supported by Virtual Terminal.  Payment methods which do not support integrated refunds (plus Klarna) will not show a refund in the grid, even if one has been completed.

    At the foot of the transactions grid, you'll see a Subtotal of Successful Payments. This figure is derived from the payments made over the date range you've set at the top of the page.

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