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    Best practice for processing Click & Collect web orders

    If you have an Ecommerce site and offer your customers the option to collect their web orders in store, we've detailed below what we believe is best practice for processing Click & Collect orders.

    When an order for Click & Collect (C&C) is placed, an order confirmation email will be sent to the store.  In a multi-store environment, a copy of the confirmation email will also be sent to the main store email address.

    1)  Pick the required item(s) from the shelves.  Ideally this will be done once the notification arrives, but you may like to run this on a schedule, e.g. check for order at 10am, check at lunchtime etc. 

    The Picklist can be used to easily generate a list of items required for all current C&C orders.

    Read more about using the Picklist here:  

    Creating a Picklist order selection


    2)  Put the items to one side until the customer arrives to collect - a shelf under the counter/out the back works well.  

    You can print a pick sheet/order summary document to put with each order 'pile' if desired, or you can generate an order receipt from the Point of Sale by opening the order and then clicking Save Changes.


    3)  When the customer arrives, tender the order through the Point Of Sale.  The simplest way to recall the order is to take the customer's email address and then click the Recall Orders icon.

    This will present you with a list of any open orders for that particular customer.

    The tender type will be automatically populated according to the payment method the customer used online.

    Proof of Identification

    If you would like the stores to check some kind of ID, you can add that into the order confirmation emails and checkout messaging in Cloud MT, so the customer knows to bring it with them.

    Read more about site messaging here:

    What is Site Messaging and what does it do?


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