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    Using the Payouts page in Cloud POS

    If you accept in-store payments via a CitrusPay terminal, then you can make use of the Payouts page in Cloud POS backoffice.

    This page details when settlements have been sent to your nominated bank account, when you can expect to see the payments arrive, and allows you to break down each payout amount to view which orders are included, and the value of fees taken.

    Note that the Payouts page is only applicable to payments accepted via a CitrusPay terminal.

    What information is shown and what does it mean?

    On the Payouts page, you'll see the option to set a date range to report on.  By default, this will be set to show today's date, but you can adjust the filters to report on a maximum period of one month.

    Once you've set the date range, click Filter By Date and the grid will refresh to show any payouts made during that period.

    The default columns on the report are as below:

    Payout ID:  The reference given to the payout;

    Created Date:  The date the payout was generated;

    Arrival Date:  The date that the payout arrived or is expected to arrive in your nominated bank account;

    Payout Amount:  The value of the payment being made to you;

    Status:  There are four potentials statuses:

    • Pending - Created but not yet deposited in the bank.
    • In Transit - Deposited but not yet available in the bank.
    • Paid - Available in the bank.
    • Cancelled, Failed - There's a problem with this payout.

    Provider:  The name of the payment platform sending the payment;

    Actions:  In the Actions column is a link to View Fees & Related Transactions. Clicking on this will open a popup window in which is displayed a full summary of the payout, the fees taken, and the sum being paid out.  You'll also see a breakdown of each transaction which is included in the payout, and the individual fees and payment amounts:

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