Occasionally, there may be a problem with an order placed via Amazon, eBay or your Website, which will prevent it from downloading.
Checking the Order Import Log should be built into your internal daily processes, so you can be sure that any failed orders are picked up and dealt with before your cut off time.
The Order Import Log is found in the Backoffice under Customers, Receipts and Orders.
The Order Import Log defaults to only show orders which need attention and were imported within the last 14 days.
If you wish to view all orders, simply untick the box, as shown in the image below.
This table provides you with enough information to be able to investigate what caused the problem.
Any failed orders that you see in this list will not be downloaded. The system will not retry and download the order, so you need to go-ahead and manually create the order in the Point of Sale.
Once you have sorted the order out and fixed the issue that caused the initial failure, you can then click the Mark Complete link, this will untick the requires attention box.