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    What options can I find in the Actions menu?

    Additional menu functions in POS

    A selection of POS functions can be found in the Actions menu, seen in the top right of the POS screen:

    For the purposes of this article, we've broken down the menu into the three sub-headings:

    Set Customer - Select and apply an existing customer to the transaction / order;

    Clear Customer - Remove the current customer from the transaction / order;

    Edit Customer - Amend a customer record;

    Make Payment - Shows the current totals of the customer's account, allows selection of balances to pay off, or making ad-hoc payments to the customer's credit account;

    New Customer - Allows creation of new customers;

    Return Transaction - Shows a filterable list of transactions processed through your system that you can select and refund / return;

    Transaction Discount - Discount transactions by Percentage, Value or Mark Up;

    Apply Discount to All Items - Discount transactions by Percentage, Value or Mark Up;

    Set Comment for Transaction - Editable dialog which allows you to add a comment to the transaction;

    Set Sales Rep - Apply a sales rep to the whole transaction;

    Set Price Level - Set a predefined price level to the whole transaction (Price A, B, C, D, E);

    Payout or Pay-In - Petty cash system for removing / adding money to the till outside of standard transactions;

    Recall Order - Shows a filterable list of open orders currently in your system;

    Create a Work Order - Creates a work order;

    Create a Workshop Job - Creates a workshop job;

    Create a Layaway - Creates a layaway;

    Create a Quote -  Creates a quote;

    Check Voucher Balance - Enter a voucher number to check its current redeemable value;

    Sell a Gift Voucher - adds the gift voucher item 'GIFTVOUCHER' to the transaction and prompts for the value;

    Task Pad - opens the task pad function

    Receipt Journal - View batches and / or individual receipts, and re-print receipts;

    Reprint Last Receipt - Reprint the last receipt generated from the till;

    Workshop Module - Opens the workshop module in a new tab;

    X Report - Processes and prints out an X report;

    Log Out - Logs out the current cashier;

    Switch User - Logs out the current cashier and displays the quick login page;

    No Sale - Removes everything from the current POS screen, any unsaved changes will be deleted;

    Close Batch & Z Report - End of day processing of closing amounts and Z report generation / printing;

    Open Back Office - opens the Cloud POS backoffice home screen.

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