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    eCommerce // Update - 22nd March 2023

    We are updating Citrus-Lime eCommerce and Cloud MT. Here are the details of what to expect from this release:

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce 

    New Feature 

    • Over the past 6 months, the development team have been working on rewriting Find & Filter pages to make them quicker and easier to maintain. The development work has been completed and early indications show pages to be twice as fast. These speed improvements will help website performance and customer experience. The changes included in this release will allow the testing team to toggle the new pages on and off, due to the scale of the changes we are allowing extra time for testing and will confirm a roll-out of this specific new feature once testing is completed.


    • A key focus of this development cycle has been scripting the website configuration deployments to be automated. Overall, the move towards automation aims to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and increase the speed of development and deployment. By automating the deployment of website configurations, developers can focus on creating and testing updates, while leaving the deployment process to the tools they have set up.
    • Additional work has been carried out to improve error handling during deployment. 
    • We have implemented design changes to Automatic Landing Pages when being viewed on mobile. These changes aid filter selection and make it easier to minimise these options to enable the viewing of results quickly. 
    • State selection is now available when entering addresses for the United States.
    • Confirmation emails are updated to include State value when applicable.
    • Page Type identification improved for the benefit of Google remarketing campaign analysis. 

    Bug Fixes

    • We have improved handling of Customer Rewards being unavailable so that this would not prevent checkout from a site.
    • All US States will now be ordered alphabetically.
    • Code improvements when accessing product pages to move to the latest code and prevent future errors.
    • The colour wheel icon was added back for colour group indication on results pages.
    • The Paypal checkout flow has been fixed to correctly update the order summary to include the delivery charge line and any tax amendments. 
    • We have fixed a bug that could occur by sending cart information to Mailchimp when multiple products from the same matrix item were in the cart. 
    • We have fixed an issue that caused the discount % to always display as zero in a custom repeater when the item was on sale

    Cloud MT 


    • Changes have been implemented aimed at boosting the Payout page's speed.
    • Activation of products with missing attributes will now be impossible, to prevent errors on the front end of the site. 
    • Coupon expiry dates will now be formatted correctly based on location. 

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