Citrus-Lime Knowledge Base

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    eCommerce // Hotpatch - 27th October 2022

    We are releasing a new version of Citrus-Lime e-commerce on the afternoon of October 27th, to be rolled out over the course of a few days.

    Here are the details of what to expect from this release:

    Citrus-Lime e-Commerce

    New FeatureĀ 


    • Reduce the frequency of FAF page sort order calculation to 8 hours to reduce slow product page loading
    • Fix of sites restart periodically (depending on customer usage)
    • Add timeout to allow site shutdown message logging to allow more straightforward diagnosis

    New Feature Development

    • Add support for new product preview when setting up product (feature will be released with Cloud MT)
    • Add a required reference to site configuration
    • Old code clean-up
    • Adds support for enhanced deployment to reduce downtime during updates

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