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    eCommerce // Update - 16th August 2022

    We are updating Citrus-Lime Ecommerce and Cloud MT on the morning of August 16th. Here are the details of what to expect from this release.

    Watch the release highlights video

    New Improved Star Buys Functionality

    Star Buys functionality has been overhauled to make it an even more powerful tool to encourage customers to add extra items to their purchases when shopping with you online. Extensive work has been completed across both the front end of the site and Cloud MT and you can expect to see the following changes in this release:

    • Items can now benefit from multiple Star Buys promotions.
    • We have added flexibility with additional ways to create Star Buy offers. We now support the following offers: 
      • Find & Filter to Find & Filter
      • Find & Filter to Collection
      • Collection to Find & Filter
      • Collection to Collection
      • Item to Item (existing)
    • Star Buys promotion management is now handled on pages located within the marketing and promotions area of Cloud MT. We have added two new pages to manage Find & Filter Star Buys and Item-to-Item Star Buys separately.
    • We have now removed the Star Buys set up from individual item cards and there is no longer a Wizard for bulk Star Buys setup. This can all now be handled on the newly created dedicated pages.
    • In order to manage legacy item-to-item Star Buys created in bulk, we have added a new Wizard to delete legacy Star Buys that might be incorrect or no longer needed.
    • We have given the front end of the site a fresh new look to make offers more clear and inviting to customers:
      • We have added clearer messaging to the item page. 
      • Increased visibility of all the offers that a customer can benefit from.
      • Promotional Prices are shown to encourage purchasing.
      • Quick view to allow for a quick add-to basket.  
      • In Cart messaging has been added to further encourage customers to make an additional purchase. 

    All this makes it much faster and easier to set up and manage Star Buys, and much clearer to the end user that there are promotions available.

    Important Note

    From this release, you won’t be able to offer Item to Find & Filter Star Buys. That means if you’ve got any of these setups, they won’t be available from 16th August.

    We recommend planning ahead to set up new Star Buys straight after the Ecommerce release on 16th August.

    Citrus-Lime Ecommerce 

    New Feature 

    • We now support different Price configurations across multiple websites in the same Cloud POS group. This change allows each website to be configured to read a set Price Level from Cloud POS. (This configuration will need to be set by the Citrus-Lime Support team - please contact Citrus-Lime if you want to use this new feature).

    • Added site footer configuration support. This is not yet available in Cloud MT, but is the first step towards making this available so you can amend the details in the website footer.


    • Caching on Find and Filter (Product Listing Pages or Category Pages) has changed as we look to improve our eCommerce website. Previously, when a page was loaded it was cached for up to a day and to get pricing and stock level changes to pull through clicking the ‘Clear Cache’ option in Cloud MT was required. 
      This has now changed so data is only cached for an hour, and there is no longer an option to drop the cache in Cloud MT. However, it is worth noting that restarting the website will delete any cached data and that option in Cloud MT can be used to force a reset of the one-hour cache time, but this should be avoided if possible as the site will be slower for a few minutes after a restart. 
      Price changes are dynamic and refreshed every few minutes. Over the next two releases, all fields will be made dynamic to be updated within a minute of the underlying data changing.

    • Clear/AfterPay logo has been added to the accepted Payment Methods logos. 
    • Speed improvements made to Clear/AfterPay order completion.
    • Unused code and function clean-up has taken place. 

    Bug Fixes 

    • General performance improvements to Mailchimp integration: more efficient code, fewer api requests. This fixes throttling issues seen by some larger websites. 
    • Performance improvements made to Automatic Landing Pages. Changes have been made to reduce page sizes which has improved load speeds experienced on Automatic Landing Pages, in testing this has improved page speeds threefold. 
    • A bug that would sometimes cause Clear/AfterPay to not show on a product page has been fixed. 
    • A bug causing the contact us form messages to not reach some retailer's inboxes has been fixed.

    Cloud MT 


    • Virtual Terminal transactions will now show related transaction information when refunds have been processed.
    • Additional information has been added to the Payment Grid to highlight when a deferred payment for an order has not been released and will require further action in order for the funds to reach your bank account.
    • Due to improvements made to the Find and Filter page caching, we have now removed the option to reset the cache on the Find and Filter pages.  

    Bug Fixes

    • The gender filter can now be set on Spanish websites. 
    • Fixed Euro rounding bug.

    Note: Final testing is being completed the week commencing 1st August, some changes in this release could be subject to change until the sign off complete. 

    Watch the release highlights video

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