If you use Citrus-Lime's eBay integration, there are some useful tools that will help you to stay on top of any category changes that eBay make to their platform. eBay will periodically update their category structure, so it's important to ensure that your products are listed in the correct category to ensure their accuracy and prevent problems with revising the listings.
Update eBay Categories
From within Cloud MT, you can use the Update Categories function to fetch an updated list of categories from eBay's current list.
This can be found on this page: https://cloudmt.citruslime.com/#/ebay-import-categories
NOTE: This action can only be performed once every 2 hours, due to eBay request rate restrictions.
When the categories have updated, you will be able to import any new categories that might be applicable to the items you wish to list
Invalid eBay Categories Report
A report exists which will help you to identify categories which are no longer present in eBay.
This can be found here: https://cloudmt.citruslime.com/#/invalid-ebay-categories
Clicking on a figure in the Item Count column will show which products are currently listed within the invalid category:
An additional panel will display the affected items. You have the option here to click Edit next to each item and this will open up the eBay Item Settings page for the item in question, enabling you to manually change the eBay category to which the item is assigned.
Replace eBay Category Wizard
This tool in Cloud MT allows you to select an existing eBay category and move all items within that category into the new eBay category of your selection.
The wizard can be found here: https://cloudmt.citruslime.com/#/wizards/ebay-category/replace
Used in conjunction with the other eBay tools, this will help you to keep your listings up-to-date and relevant on the eBay platform.