Cloud MT and Citrus-Lime Ecommerce new versions are being released on the morning of Wednesday 28th April. Cloud MT roll out of changes will be aligned to coincide as close as possible to the Citrus-Lime Ecommerce update.
Please note that this time there are changes in Cloud MT that are reliant on updates in Citrus-Lime Ecommerce. Whilst the updates are being deployed, there is a small risk that for some time between 8am and 10am you will be unable to view or edit products in CloudMT. We'd like to apologise in advance if this does affect you, but it is an essential part of the upgrade.
Below you will find a list of improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.
Citrus-Lime Ecommerce
- You can now conveniently reset your password in the checkout as well as the current way through the account screen
- We have improved how the Mini Basket is visually displayed on Mobile devices, especially smaller devices when multiple items are added to basket.
- We have updated the wording against the Click & Collect option at checkout to highlight it is 'Free'. We have also added clearer guidance on when the customer will be required to pay, either online or in store.
Bug Fix
- When new information is set against Custom Repeaters, this will pull through correctly onto your site.
- Customer Rewards points can now be used to pay for a transaction in full.
- Account creation now possible from confirm page
Cloud MT
New Feature
Custom Products - We have added the ability to update and remove applied templates.
- As part of this new feature we have fixed a bug where images for attributes of a custom product would occasionally not show. This fix unfortunately cannot be extended to products created on our previous Merchant Tools platform. If you have a product where images are still not showing, to fix you will have to clear the old template and then apply using a template that currently exists in Cloud MT.
- As part of this new feature we have fixed a bug where images for attributes of a custom product would occasionally not show. This fix unfortunately cannot be extended to products created on our previous Merchant Tools platform. If you have a product where images are still not showing, to fix you will have to clear the old template and then apply using a template that currently exists in Cloud MT.
- Extended Description is now visible under eBay Categories
- We have made improvements to the default date filtering in Cloud MT.
- When attempting to login to Cloud MT, if the service is unavailable we have improved the error messaging.
- We have improved our eBay integration with the 'Out of Stock Option' in eBay, which will now avoid losing search-rating benefits.
- We have improved clarity with the 'Revise Listing' button, to better inform the action may take time to complete.
- Emails against back in stock notifications will only be visible in 'View Stock Notifications' section of Cloud MT
Bug Fix
- The 'SEO Page Title' field in Cloud MT now pulls through to the product pages
- Custom Product variants no longer show in Ecommerce Feed.