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    eCommerce // What's new in this release? 3rd July 2020

    New DLL's are now available. Below you will find a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes that you can expect to see in this update.

    Citrus-Lime eCommerce Updates

    These changes are applied to each website individually when fixes are required.  They will be tested and signed off for use week commencing 6th July 2020


    • Background task to finalise finance order now runs every 5 minutes; 
    • Order billing and delivery addresses now updated to match address entered into V12 application - to assist the retailer in meeting fraud prevention requirements; 
    • Code improvements to background tasks and removal of redundant task.

    Cloud Merchant Tools Updates

    We are continuing to develop our own planned changes into Cloud Merchant Tools (Cloud MT), alongside working on feedback we are receiving from our group of test clients.  These changes are made live for all customers on Friday, July 3rd

    New Feature

    • Advance Search page added with additional fields that can be added or removed using column chooser. 


    • Banners will no longer require a title; 
    • Multiple product images now upload correctly;
    • Stock update information added to item Attribute & Stock information:
    • Code improvements to prevent colour list being empty;
    • Improvements made to adding items to colour group;
    • Fields added to Click & Collect store management; 
    • Excel export removed from all grids apart from Coupon Usage; 
    • Home and Order Dashboard now using same range of data; 
    • Work to ensure image upload configuration file deploys during site updates; 
    • Item selection when creating a Star Buy promotion has been improved; 
    • Work to ensure pasted information can always be saved; 
    • Warning added when user saves an insecure html as a buyers guide, for example an iframe that is http rather than https;
    • Improved error handling on the order line report; 
    • Work to prevent memory leaks which would impact on performance of Cloud MT;
    • Addition of caching to improve speed of order summary and order lines reports.

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