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    What are the main Point of Sale Functions?


    The tender button is used when you are ready to take payment from your customer. 

    No Sale 

    No sale will clear and cancel the current transaction. If you use the no sale function within an open Special Order, Layaway or Quote, the order will stay open, but your changes will not be saved.

    Suspend Transaction

    This will park your transaction to one side, giving you a clear Point of Sale screen to serve the next customer. You can recall a suspended transaction from the ‘Sales & Returns’ section of the menu. Suspending a transaction is useful if you begin scanning a customer's items, but they need to step away from the register before completing their purchase, as it allows you to serve other customers in the meantime. 


    Suspended transactions are cleared when the batch is closed. If you need to recall a customer's transaction after you have closed your daily batch, it is better to save it as a Special Order or Layaway (see below).



    X Report

    The X report prints a report of money taken and completed sales in the batch so far. The X report can be run at any time.

    Z Report

    The Z report prints a report of money taken and completed sales in the batch. The Z report will also close the current batch and finalise your total amounts. Once a Z report is run you cannot make any changes to the batch that it closed.


    A batch is a group of transactions between Z reports. Running a Z report will close the current batch and start a new batch.

    Receipt Journal

    The receipt journal allows you to find and reprint receipts from previous transactions and orders. Even if you do not print or email the receipt at the time of the transaction or order update, an entry is always stored in the receipt journal. 

    Pay-Out / Pay-In

    This function is used to record removing or adding funds to and from the drawer outside of a transaction. This may be used when there is an excess amount of cash in the drawer, to record petty cash movements or to add more change to the till.

    Pay-Out / Pay-In Reason Codes 

    You can customise the Reason Codes used in this area of the Point of Sale. Navigate to ‘Setup’ > ‘Reason Codes’ in the Cloud POS Back Office. Please see the related article for further guidance.



    Transaction Types


    Sales are the default transactions in the Point of Sale. They are used to sell in-stock items which are being paid for in full and taken from the store at the time. When you tender a sale transaction, you will be asked for full payment and the stock of the item(s) will reduce.


    There are four other transaction types in Cloud POS for managing customer orders and quotes. These transaction types must have a customer set. They allow out of stock items to be added, and you can set a due date for when you aim to fulfil the order.

    1. Special Order

    Special Orders are mostly used for customer special orders, for example when you are going to order items from a supplier or transfer them from another store. You can take a deposit on these orders if you wish (the deposit can be the total value of the order if you want to take full payment upfront). If items are on a Special Order, this increases the committed quantity on those items, which in turn reduces the available stock. Ecommerce orders are also automatically created as Special Orders.

    2. Layaway

    Layaways are mostly used for holding items that you already have in stock, so that a customer can pick them up later. You can take a deposit on these orders if you wish (the deposit can be the total value of the order if you want to take full payment upfront). If items are on a Layaway, this increases the committed quantity on those items, which in turn reduces the available stock. 

    3. Workshop Job

    Workshop Jobs have the same features as Special Orders, but they will also appear in the Workshop Module for scheduling and action by the service team. 

    4. Quote

    Quotes are used to list items and prices for a customer for future reference. Quotes can be left open on the system until a customer is ready to purchase or order the items, at which stage they can be easily converted into a Special Order. Quotes do not contribute to committed item quantities and deposits cannot be taken against them. If a customer decides not to proceed with the purchase, the Quote can be cancelled. 

    Type Features Can convert to
    Special Order
    • Stock committed
    • Can take initial deposit and future payments
    Workshop Job
    • Stock committed
    • Can take initial deposit and future payments
    Special Order
    Workshop Job
    Workshop Job
    • Stock committed
    • Can take initial deposit and future payments
    • Appears within the Workshop Module
    • Editable in POS and Workshop Module
    • Stock is not committed
    • Deposits cannot be taken

    Special Order
    Workshop Job


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