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    How do I refer a customer for VeloLife insurance?

    Citrus-Lime are pleased to partner with VeloLife, cycle insurance specialists. This integration allows you to easily transfer customer details from Cloud POS to VeloLife, so that customers can take advantage of their free insurance offering.

    This guide explains how to set up Cloud POS for the VeloLife integration and how to refer your customers in the Point of Sale.



    If you'd like to use the VeloLife integration, you need to start by contacting the Citrus-Lime Success Team. They'll guide you through the process to get signed up and arrange for your VeloLife account to be linked to Cloud POS.

    You can contact the Success Team at or by calling 01229 588628.


    How does the VeloLife integration work?

    Cloud POS will transfer your customer's details to VeloLife if the following conditions are met:

    • The price of the item is greater than or equal to 300.
    • The price of the item is less than 10,000.
    • The customer set on the transaction has an Email Address, Last Name, Postcode and Address Line 1.
    • The item ‘VELOLIFE-OPTIN’ has been added to the transaction.

    If all these conditions are met, then Cloud POS will transfer the customer's contact details to VeloLife, along with information about the bike they have purchased. Please note that Cloud POS will try to send the customer's mobile number first, then a telephone number if there is no mobile number available. If neither is present on their customer record, a phone number will not be transferred.


    Setup in the Cloud POS Back Office

    In order to use the VeloLife integration, you need to complete some important setup steps in the Cloud POS Back Office.

    Creating the VeloLife Opt-in Item

    One of the conditions for the transfer of data to VeloLife is that the VeloLife opt-in item is added to the transaction.

    You will need to create this item in Cloud POS.

    1. Navigate to the Items page in the Cloud POS Back Office.

    2. Click Create New Item.

    3. Choose ‘Non-Inventory’ from the drop-down.

    4. Click Create.

    5. Complete the fields as shown below. The fields to the right are your choice, but you must ensure that you use this exact Item Lookup Code and Description. You should also make sure that your item has zero price, zero cost and a zero-rated tax code.


    6. Click Save to create your item.


    Creating the Item Messages

    VeloLife request that every customer is provided with the same information at the point of referral. To ensure that this information is provided to the customer, and to ensure that they consent to their information being shared with VeloLife, you need to set up two Item Messages in Cloud POS.

    The first Item Message will be assigned to all bikes that qualify for the referral. This message will explain to the customer that insurance is available, check their consent for referral and remind the cashier to add the opt-in item.

    The second Item Message will be assigned to the opt-in item. This message will explain the customer's obligations regarding the insurance and purchasing a suitable lock for their bike.


    The text for these Item Messages has been provided by VeloLife to ensure that you are compliant with their referral processes. You must create the Item Messages using the exact text stated below.

    If you need further help using Item Messages, you can refer to this article or contact the Citrus-Lime Support Team.



    1. Navigate to Setup > Item Messages Setup in the Cloud POS Back Office menu.

    2. Click New.

    3. Copy and paste the following text into the fields:

    Title: FREE Insurance from VeloLife

    Message: This bike comes with 10 days free insurance from VeloLife. To take advantage of this we need to pass your details on to VeloLife. Please confirm you are happy with this. VeloLife will send the full terms within 24 hours. REMEMBER TO ADD VELOLIFE OPT-IN.

    Age Limit: 18

    4. Click Update to save the Item Message.

    5. Click New again.

    6. Copy and paste the following text into the fields:

    Title: VeloLife Information    

    Message: Your payment details will not be shared with VeloLife, and you are under no obligation to take out an annual policy, but you will be offered a discount. Sold Secure lock requirements: Bikes under £3,000 - GOLD, Bikes over £3,000 - DIAMOND.

    Age Limit: 18

    7. Click Update to save the Item Message.

    Your messages should look like this:


    Now that you have created the Item Messages, you need to assign them to the correct items. 

    First, we will assign the Item Message to the opt-in item.

    1. Navigate to the Items page in the Cloud POS Back Office menu.

    2. Search for your VeloLife opt-in item (Item Lookup Code ‘VELOLIFE-OPTIN’,) and click Edit to open the item record.

    3. Click into the Advanced tab.

    4. In the ‘Item Message’ drop-down menu, select the Item Message titled ‘VeloLife information’.

    5. Click Save at the top or bottom of the page.


    Next, we will assign the other Item Message to all your qualifying bikes. The most efficient way to do this is using the Modify Item Detail Wizard.

    1. In the Cloud POS Back Office menu, navigate to Wizards & SIM Wizards.

    2. Under the ‘Modify Item Detail Wizard’ section, click Search and Select Items.

    A grid will load showing your Cloud POS item database. Make sure there are no pre-existing filters in place.

    3. You now need to filter the grid for all your bikes. The exact filters you need will depend on your Department and Category structure in Cloud POS, but a common way to locate the bikes would be to filter the Department column for any Department containing the word ‘bike’:

    4. Next, you need to filter the list to only include bikes that have a price greater than or equal to 300, and less than 10,000. To do this, scroll to the bottom of the item grid and click on your existing filter text (the exact wording will depend on the bike filter that you have applied in the grid):

    This opens the Filter Builder window.

    5. Click the plus icon beside the word ‘And’. This will add a new conditional row to your filters.

    6. Click on the default field, which is Active? (in green). Change this to Price.

    7. Click on Equals (in blue) and change it to is greater than or equal to.

    8. Click on <enter a value> and enter 300.

    9. Click the plus icon beside the word ‘And’ to add another conditional row.

    10. Click on the default field, which is Active? (in green). Change this to Price.

    11. Click on Equals (in blue) and change it to is less than.

    12. Click on <enter a value> and enter 10000.

    Your Filter Builder should look like this (you may have a slight variation in the Department / Category condition):

    13. Click OK.

    You should now see all bikes that are greater than or equal to 300 and less than 10,000 in the grid.

    14. Use the Select All checkbox to select all items:


    15. At the bottom of the page, click Edit Items.

    16. On the next screen, scroll across to locate the ‘Message’ column, and click Modify All.

    17. Choose the message, ‘FREE Insurance from VeloLife’:

    18. Click Apply to All.

    19. At the bottom of the page, click Commit Your Changes.

    This will now add the Item Message to all the items you have selected.

    Top Tip

    To keep making use of this Item Message, you'll need to add it to new bikes that are added to your item database. You might want to set a reminder to run this wizard on a recurring basis, depending on how frequently you receive new makes and models into your store.



    Referring customers in the Point of Sale

    With your Item Messages in place, each time you add a qualifying item to a transaction, the following prompt will appear:


    If the customer wishes to be referred:

    1. You need to add the item ‘VELOLIFE-OPTIN’ to the transaction. When you add this item, you will see the next Item Message:


    2. Make sure that the customer has a suitable lock for their bike, according to the instructions in the Item Message.

    3. Make sure that the customer is set on the transaction.

    4. Make sure that the customer has the required fields (Email Address, Last Name, Postcode and Address Line 1) on their customer record. You can check and edit their details by following the instructions here.

    When you tender the transaction, the customer's information will be automatically transferred to VeloLife.


    VeloLife is an Appointed Representative of IWG Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, registered number 310784.

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