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    How do I put a transaction 'on hold' (Suspend Transaction)?

    From time to time you may find a situation where you have started creating a transaction for a customer at the Point Of Sale, and the customer decides to take a further look around the store.

    However, there may be the need to use the register in the meantime, before the first customer returns to the Point Of Sale to finish their purchase.

    If a cashier has already spent time adding items onto the transaction, it's frustrating to have to cancel the transaction so that the register can be used to serve another customer.

    In these circumstances, it's helpful to be able to put the original transaction on hold and return to it later.

    You can do this using the Suspend Transaction function in Cloud POS.

    Suspending a transaction

    In the Point Of Sale, create a transaction as normal.  At the point you wish to put the transaction on hold, click the Actions button and then select Suspend Transaction.

    You'll now see a pop-up advising that the transaction has been suspended.  Click OK and you will be returned to a clear POS screen:

    You can now use the register as necessary.  When you are ready to continue working on the transaction, click on Actions and then Recall Suspended Transactions.  

    Double-click on the relevant transaction from the list and you will be returned to the transaction as it was when you suspended it:

    You can now continue with the sale as necessary.  You can also suspend / recall the transaction again if you need to.

    If the transaction is no longer required, click Remove to clear this off the system.  NOTE:  This cannot be undone.

    What else do I need to know about suspending a transaction?

    • When you suspend a transaction, this does not commit the stock of the items against the transaction.

    • Any suspended transactions will be cleared from the register when the batch is closed (Z Report).

    • Suspending a transaction should be seen as a short-term way of recording the details you've already created.  It is not intended to be an alternative to a work order or layaway.
      If you think it is unlikely that the customer will want to complete their purchase promptly, convert the transaction to a work order or layaway instead.

    • You cannot suspend an order.  This is because any changes made will not be saved against the original order.

    • Any serialised items which are included on a suspended transaction will show the status 'Pending Sale' in their item record in Cloud POS backoffice:

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