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    How do I see how many visits a customer has made to my store?

    Building customer loyalty is a key element in creating a successful business.  Returning customers are a sign that you're providing a good customer experience and, equally, it can be useful for a cashier to be able to tell at a glance who is a loyal customer.

    When a customer is added to a transaction in the point of sale in Cloud POS, the number of visits the customer has made is displayed:

    Cloud POS considers a 'visit' to be a transaction that has been completed through the point of sale.  So, this will include in-store sales and e-commerce orders that have been processed, but will not include any open work orders (including where a deposit has been paid), open layaways, open workshop jobs, quotes, etc.  Only once an open order is completed in full and closed, will this be classed as a visit.

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