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    How do I add notes to a customer's account, which will then display in POS?

    Cloud POS supports the display of notes in the header in the Point Of Sale.

    These are set on a per-customer basis and will display to the cashier, but do not appear on any print documents or ereceipts that might be provided to the customer.

    You may choose to use the notes as a prompt to the cashier, for example, to check the customer's address is correct.

    To add notes to a customer's account, navigate to the customer's record in Cloud POS backoffice.

    1)  Edit the record of the customer account to which you wish to add notes;

    2)  Scroll to the Notes section, add the relevant text and then Save.  

    There is a 120 character limit in the POS display.  You can add more characters to the Notes field in backoffice, but only the first 120 characters will display to the cashier.  If there are more characters in the Notes field than can be displayed in POS, the end of the text will show '...' to indicate there are further notes on the customer record, as in the example below:

    The customer record in Backoffice:

    How this appears in POS:

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