Firstly, you will need to ensure that the customer's account is set up to allow the application of a credit.
Go to the back office menu – Customers, Receipts, & Orders – Customers. Search for the customer and then click View / Edit as below:
This will open the customer record. Scroll down the page until you get to the section titled Account Transactions, you will now need to set them to have an account type.
The customer only needs a credit limit if you want them to have the ability to spend on their account after the debited amount has been used.
Then scroll to the bottom of the customer record and click the Save and Return to Customer List button.
You can now get to the point of sale and add the customer to the transaction screen, then click on the Return Transactions button:
On the return transactions screen search for the transaction that the customer wishes to return and open the transaction:
Next, select the reason code for the return and then click the Tender Return button, this will take you to the tender screen. As you have set this customer up with a Credit Account you should now be able to see a tender option for Customer Account. Enter the value of the transaction into this field and click the Continue with Transaction button:
You should now have transferred the value of the transaction to the customer account. If you now go back to the point of sale screen and select the customer you will be able to see the new balance that they now have on their account: